We make it easy
We make it easy
Here is a summary of our inspection process:
- Schedule Inspection:
Phone: (808) 664-3318
Email: info@khis.us
Text: Tap to Text
Schedule Inspection: here. - Info we need for an inspection:
- Name and email address of client.
- Name and email of client's realtor.
- Name of escrow officer, escrow # and closing date.
- Preferred inspection date and time (subject to availability).
- Disclosure Statement.
- Entry Instructions.
- Inspection Scheduling and Payment:
Once a time for the inspection is established, the client will receive an email with a link to the inspection agreement and a link to pay online with a credit card. Payment is due prior to the inspection or at the property with cash, check or credit card. Order 2 or more additional services and receive 10% off all additional services. Please note the agreement must be signed prior to the inspection – we cannot inspect a home without a signed agreement.
- Inspection & Reports:
The inspection will be completed and the report delivered via email to the buyer and to the real estate agent.
- Post Inspection Walkthrough:
We are happy to go over our findings with the buyer or their agent immediately after inspection is complete.